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16 May 2023

11 min read

Finding your perfect software development partner: What to consider in 2024

Looking to embark on a new software development project or switch partners? We provide valuable insights to make informed decisions for successful project outcomes.



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In today’s challenging business environment, startups, and established businesses seek cost-effective ways to develop new digital products or modernize existing ones. Finding the right software development outsourcing partner can make or break the success of your software development project.

But how to find a reliable vendor whose expertise and capabilities meet your requirements and budget?

We’ve prepared this guide to help you navigate through the extensive research process and avoid common pitfalls. Our Chief Operating Officer, Anna Vasylko, shares her hard-earned insights on what clients expect from a software development outsourcing partner and what key aspects to keep in mind before signing the contract.

Read on to uncover the key factors you should consider to streamline your search for the ideal software development partner.

5 essential steps to find a perfect software development outsourcing partner

Step 1. Define your needs and goals

You should ensure you have clear deliverables before you start searching for a partner. Ask yourself what you expect from the software development partnership and try to be as clear as possible.

  • Do you need to build a project from the ground up? Or do you need development support for an existing project?
  • What are your long-term objectives?
  • What are your budget and timeline?
  • What features does your product require?
  • What specialists do you need to embark on a project?
  • What level of expertise do you require from your future software engineering partner?
  • Should you meet your vendor on-site or do you prefer working remotely?

Reflect on these questions and find the most precise answers. Then, filter out to save time for you and your candidates.

Step 2. Conduct market research

As you have an image of the ideal software development outsourcing partner in mind, pinpointing the best candidates has become easier.

Next, we suggest you check popular business reviews platforms like Clutch or GoodFirms. They provide numerous reviews and ratings of the leading custom software development companies. This way, you will get to know more about their services, expertise, and reputation.

If you are worried about the trustworthiness of reviews, the listed services undergo verification, which ensures the accuracy of all the information.

Step 3. Evaluate the expertise

Once you narrow down to a few custom software development agencies you like the most, it is time to check their expertise. It never harms to review the website first to check if it looks professional and deliberate and provides users with pleasing UI and UX.

Pay detailed attention to the section with previous projects, as this is excellent proof of expertise. However, most companies require to sign an NDA agreement that refrains agencies from sharing projects with prospects, so do not hesitate to contact the company directly to get any additional information.

NDA agreement is also a fair point to consider when you agree with your partner, and it is best to decide whether you need to sign one in advance.

Step 4. Decide on the pricing model

Fixed Price, Time and Material, and Dedicated Team Model are the most popular models in custom software development. The model you choose depends on the goals and requirements you set for the software development professionals.

Let’s quickly go over each model to see what may work best for you:

Reflect on these questions and find the most precise answers. Then, filter out to save time for you and your candidates.

Fixed Price

  • Fixed Price works well for custom software development if you have definite tasks, requirements, and deadlines
  • With this model, the client pays a predetermined fee for a package of services that are defined during the project’s initial planning stage
  • The Fixed Price model provides simplicity and certainty, allowing you to plan your budget beforehand.

Time and Material

  • This model is fair and simple: you pay for the actual time and effort spent on the custom development of the software
  • The project’s timeline and the final cost are determined by the actual work accomplished
  • If you are unsure how large the software should be or do not have clear requirements yet, try sticking to this model.

Dedicated team

  • You hire a team of professionals selected based on your needs and have access to a team of developers working exclusively on your project
  • Best suited for long-term projects with complex scopes or projects that require ongoing maintenance and support
  • The most efficient model for a long-term software development partnership as it gives you the freedom to scale up or down your team size as needed.

Step 5. Balance time zone differences

Even though you can find a partner from your country, there is a high chance of settling with a foreign candidate. But keep in mind the challenges associated with that choice: your work on the project should not turn into a hassle.

If you and the partner have a substantial time difference, discuss how you will handle it in advance.

Managing software development teams can become more challenging if your team falls asleep when your partner only wakes up. If regular communication is required, consider filtering out the available candidates with a three-four hours difference.

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What are the top criteria to look for in a software development partner?

Technical expertise

Consider your future partner’s expertise in programming languages, databases, and frameworks, and ensure their expertise matches your project needs. Ideally, look for a company that has a strong foothold in delivering impactful custom software development solutions.

You may even request a consultation with your potential software engineering partner to evaluate their expertise and discuss your project requirements in detail.

For example, at Brainence, we conduct free consultations with future clients to assess their requirements and validate our team’s expertise in meeting those needs.

Industry experience

Take a closer look at the company’s previous work to see if they have relevant experience in your specific industry. Success stories showcased in case studies can give you confidence in their ability to deliver custom software development solutions that meet your domain’s unique requirements.

Typically, companies share their case studies on their websites. If you’re interested in Brainence’s expertise, we invite you to check out our previous projects.

Don’t forget to check the testimonials or even reach out to references from previous clients. Feedback from the company’s past clients will give you insights into its performance, technical skills, and overall satisfaction from the software development partnership.

Project management

As you delve into the details of your future collaboration, get a clear grasp of the company’s project management approach. You want to ensure they have clearly defined milestones, timelines, and deliverables that align with your project’s goals and requirements.

A reliable software development outsourcing partner should also provide regular progress reports and keep you in the loop and engaged throughout the entire project lifecycle.

Ideally, you should consider hiring not only the development team but also a competent project manager and account manager to ensure all project aspects are well-coordinated with your requirements.


You may find yourself at a crossroads when choosing between a boutique company with expertise in a specific area or a larger company that offers diverse services.

On one hand, working with a specialized company can lead to better results due to their focused expertise.

On the other hand, as your business grows, your requirements are likely to change. Building a lasting relationship with a company that can adapt and scale its services to meet your evolving needs may be more beneficial.

You will thank yourself later when you won’t have to go through the hassle of finding a new vendor again.


It may be tempting to simply go for the lowest price. But remember, the cheapest option may not always provide the best value in the long run.

While price is important, don’t base your decision solely on budget.

It’s essential to look beyond just the cost of the software development partner. A partner who provides excellent service, reliable communication, and a proven track record of successful projects may be worth paying a slightly higher price for.

Communication and collaboration

A good software development outsourcing partner should be easy to work with. Look for a vendor that is responsive, collaborative, and fosters open and honest communication.

During your collaboration, issues may arise. It is important to have open discussions and overcome the obstacles seamlessly, without affecting the project’s progress.

But how to make sure your candidate is great at communication? Consider requesting a consultation. In just an hour or so, you’ll be able to get insights into their communication style and overall collaboration approach.

And finally, trust your instincts. Your gut feeling, combined with our recommendations, will guide you toward the right software development partner for your project.

Contact us for your custom software development needs

Brainence is a software development company with 6+ years of experience building custom products and empowering teams with tech talent.

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How much does it cost to hire a software engineering partner?

There is no one-size-fits-it-all answer, as the project cost varies from company to company.

To provide you with a rough estimate, we conducted extensive research on over 100 software development companies listed on Clutch.

Hourly rates span from $25 to $300 per hour, and the overall project costs start from $5,000 and go up to $500,000 and beyond.

Why do the charges differ so dramatically? Below we enlist the factors that influence the final cost of custom development of the software.

Scope and complexity of the project

The more complex the project, the higher the price is. Large projects typically require more time, effort, and expertise, which results in increased prices.

It’s also important to note that the cost of software development is not just limited to the development phase. Other costs include design, testing, deployment, maintenance, and ongoing support.

Company’s expertise

Seasoned companies with a proven track record of success command premium pricing for their services. There is a valid reason for this: their services and expertise translate into successful project outcomes.

While the budget for partnering with them may initially seem intimidating, the peace of mind knowing that your software will be of the first-class quality is worth the investment.

On the other hand, opting for companies that charge less may seem appealing due to their cost-efficiency. But keep in mind that lower prices may indicate less experiences teams, which could result in lower quality, missed deadlines, or increased risks.

We don’t necessarily advocate for choosing the company with the highest rates. It’s more about finding a balance between cost and quality before establishing a software development partnership.

Team composition

The team composition can range from one or two developers to a comprehensive team of experts. These may include front-end developers and back-end developers, project managers, business analysts, Scrum masters, UI/UX designers, QA engineers, DevOps engineers, and more.

Also, highly experienced specialists charge higher rates, while junior specialists cost less. Note that the lack of experience of junior employees may result in longer project timelines, which can also increase costs.

Location of the company

Cost and standard of living also influence the companies’ rates. Salaries, office rent, utilities, and benefits for employees contribute to the overall costs of running a business.

For instance, development teams based in regions with higher costs of living, such as North America, Europe, and Australia, charge more to cover these expenses. In contrast, teams based in lower-income regions, like Asia or South America, tend to offer lower rates due to lower costs of living and employee salaries.

Project timeline

When planning your budget, keep the timeline in mind to avoid any unexpected cost overruns or delivery delays.

A shorter time to complete a project typically means a higher cost, as more resources may need to be allocated to ensure the project is completed on time. This could include hiring additional team members, investing in specialized equipment, or working overtime to meet deadlines.

On the contrary, a longer timeline may also affect the cost, as it can mean that the project will require more resources, including personnel, equipment, and materials.

Naturally, you want to know the final project price before selecting your software development partner. However, no reputable company can provide you with a precise forecast until they carefully assess your project’s specific requirements.

To get an estimate of your project, contact us. We will meet you for a free consultation to discuss your business goals and how our development experts can help you reach them.

Looking for a software development outsourcing partner?

Brainence is a software development company with over six years of experience delivering custom-made solutions to startups and enterprises worldwide.

You can rely on us to build your product from the ground up or scale your development team with seasoned experts. Our software developers, product designers, QA engineers, and project managers are here to help you reach your business goals.

Contact us and share your development needs and business challenges. We will arrange a free consultation to discuss how our specialists can help you grow.

Anna helps clients reach their business goals while ensuring excellent customer experience. She’s passionate about developing strategies for business growth and building long-term relationships with her clients.
Chief Operating Officer

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    COO, Replyco LTD,
    United Kingdom


    The team proactively comes up with solutions and is eager to deliver high-quality development support.

    Executive, Software & Consulting Services Provider, Netherlands


    I was blown away by the knowledge that Brainence has about web app development, UX and optimisation.

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    The project management was well-managed. We worked well together to create a refined product.

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