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Healthcare [2]

Accessible app for free online pharmacist consultations

Healthcare [2]

A healthcare provider, with a vast network of pharmacists, approached us to develop an innovative application. The app enables users to receive free consultations from pharmacists regarding over-the-counter medication, providing an ultimate drug store experience online.

Our app makes the consultation process as easy as asking a relevant question to the pharmacist, ordering medicine online, and receiving doorstep delivery. All consultants are certified pharmacists, ensuring safe and reliable advice.




Software development






Brainence needed to tackle the problem of patients turning to the internet for medical advice. Our goal was to offer them a reliable alternative through our app, connecting them with certified pharmacists for trustworthy consultations. Additionally, we needed to integrate features for easy medication ordering and doorstep delivery.


We have developed an accessible app offering free online pharmacist consultations. Extra efforts were made to ensure the platform is user-friendly and intuitive, catering to users of all tech levels.

Our software solution consists of the following modules:

  • Admin: grants access to chats, clients, and chat history, and enables managing or deleting users if needed.
  • User: displays information about each client who engaged in a chat with the pharmacist.
  • Call requests: lists clients awaiting assistance along with their personal information.
  • Product suggestions: presents a list of medical products recommended to users, with the option to return to chat and track chat history.

Business outcomes

With the app providing free professional help, users are more likely to buy medication right after chatting with the pharmacist. This has boosted user engagement and trust, leading to increased sales.

The client has also formed partnerships with other drug stores, leveraging the app’s success to grow its presence in the healthcare industry.

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Key features

Admin panel

Admins can create and delete pharmacist profiles, access chats between pharmacists and users, and check consultation status and reviews.

Pharmacist panel

Pharmacists consult clients via an intuitive chat interface, accessing chat history and user details, with the option to download CSV spreadsheets for client data.

User module

The user module allows for checking the information on each user, their inquiries, and status updates, with one-click options for deleting or blocking users if needed.

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    Brainence provides business processes automation and closed-cycle custom software development services starting from client needs collection and analysis, architecture design.